Shemos Elementary Practice Exam Shemos Elementary Practice exam 1 / 9 For how long did Bnei Yisrael sojourn in Mitzrayim? A. 100 Years B. 150 Years C. 210 Years D. 430 Years 2 / 9 What was the first complaint Dasan and Aviram had against Moshe? A. That he had no right to act like a judge and stop their quarrel. B. That they could not stand eating mann everyday, and missed the variety of foods in Egypt. C. That instead of leading them to a land flowing with milk and honey, he led them to die in a dessert. D. That it was not necessary to use their gold and silver to build a Mishkan since Hashem is not a person. 3 / 9 What report did Yisro hear, other than about Yetzias Mitzrayim, that motivated him to come and join Bnei Yisrael? A. About the mann and the be'er (well). B. About the mann and the ananei hakavod. C. About Kerias Yam Suf and the ananei hakavod. D. About Kerias Yam Suf and the war against Amaleik. 4 / 9 How was the locust plague that struck during the generation of Yoel even worse than the plague of locusts in Mitzrayim? A. It came without warning. B. It stayed for more than a month C. It included many different species of locust. D. It afflicted the people as well as the vegetation. 5 / 9 Which of the following types of garments or decorations were worn by both the Kohein Gadol and ordinary kohanim when serving in the Mishkan? A. A מְעִיל (coat). B. פַעֲמֹנִים (bells) C. An אַבְנֵט (sash). D. A חֹשֶׁן (breastplate) 6 / 9 According to Rashi, why is it forbidden for a Jew to take a legal matter to a court run by non-Jews (who serve idolatry) even if they will judge the matter in the same way as a Jewish court? A. Non-Jewish judges can be bribed, especially idol-worshippers. B. By giving importance to their god, he desecrates Hashem's Name. C. The non-Jewish court will make him swear in the names of their idols. D. The non-Jewish court will make him swear in the Name of Hashem unnecessarily (just as they swear by their gods without restraint). 7 / 9 At the burning bush, when Moshe asked Hashem in what merit Bnei Yisrael would be redeemed from Mitzrayim, Hashem answered, "In the merit of..." A. The people's future acceptance of the Torah. B. The midwives, who had bravely disobeyed Par'oh's orders. C. The people's readiness to follow him into the barren midbar. D. The Hebrew taskmasters, who refused to beat their brethren 8 / 9 Why did Moshe wear a mask to cover the rays of splendor that shone from his face whenever he was not teaching the people or speaking to Hashem? A. He did not want others to be jealous of him. B. In his humility he did not want people to constantly see his exalted level. C. The rays would harm the onlookers unless Moshe was teaching Torah. D. It was not proper for people to enjoy gazing upon the rays. 9 / 9 The order of the Eser Makkos corresponded to: A. The order of the construction of the Mishkan. B. The description of Creation from the third day until Shabbos. C. The battle tactics employed by ancient kings when besieging a city. D. The increasing severity of the decrees of oppression the Mitzriyim placed upon the Jews. Your score isThe average score is 69% 0% Restart quiz