Shemos Elementary Practice Exam

Shemos Elementary Practice exam

1 / 9

For how long did Bnei Yisrael sojourn in Mitzrayim?

2 / 9


What was the first complaint Dasan and Aviram had against Moshe?

3 / 9

How was the locust plague that struck during the generation of Yoel even worse than the plague of locusts in Mitzrayim?

4 / 9

At the burning bush, when Moshe asked Hashem in what merit Bnei Yisrael would be redeemed from Mitzrayim, Hashem answered, "In the merit of..."

5 / 9

The order of the Eser Makkos corresponded to:

6 / 9

What report did Yisro hear, other than about Yetzias Mitzrayim, that motivated him to come and join Bnei Yisrael?

7 / 9

Which of the following types of garments or decorations were worn by both the Kohein Gadol and ordinary kohanim when serving in the Mishkan?

8 / 9

Why did Moshe wear a mask to cover the rays of splendor that shone from his face whenever he was not teaching the people or speaking to Hashem?

9 / 9

According to Rashi, why is it forbidden for a Jew to take a legal matter to a court run by non-Jews (who serve idolatry) even if they will judge the matter in the same way as a Jewish court?

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The average score is 64%
